Irish Council Of Social Workers In Adoption


Submission on Birth Information and Tracing Bill 2021

The Council of Irish Adoption Agencies(CIAA) warmly welcomes the General Scheme of this new Bill and the efforts that have been made to address the legal difficulties that have been hampering the enactment of such a long-awaited piece of legislation.

Mother And Baby Home Submission

The original name for the above body was the Central Council of Catholic Adoption Societies and the first meeting was held on 23rd November 1961 in the Children’s Hospital in Temple St. in Dublin. Monsigneur Barrett who had been highly involved behind the scenes when the Irish Catholic hierarchy were discussing the introduction of legal adoption, chaired the initial meeting.

Submission of Council of Irish Adoption Agencies (CIAA) in response to Draft Domestic Adoption Guidelines issued by Adoption Authority of Ireland in October 2019

The Council of Irish Adoption Agencies provides a forum for social worker practitioners to ensure best practice in adoption through continuous professional development and training and influencing social work policy and legislation. Members of the CIAA have many collective years of expertise in adoption and represent the views of social work professionals currently working in the area of adoption.

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